
Updated Safety Measures at Tohoku University Hospital

In response to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, Tohoku University Hospital has updated its infection prevention guidelines. The following measures will take effect from July 2022:

Continuation of Basic Infection Prevention Measures

All patients and visitors - even those who have been fully vaccinated - must wear a mask at all times, wash and disinfect their hands thoroughly and maintain a safe distance from each other.

The hospital does not provide outpatient consultation for new or suspected cases of coronavirus infection. Anyone with symptoms or concerns should call the Sendai City / Miyagi Prefecture Medical Consultation Center at 022-398-9211 (available 24 hours a day).

For Inpatients

Patients will be given a PCR test at the hospital prior to admission.

  • Patients will have to pay the portion of the testing fees not covered by insurance.
  • Scheduled treatment might be postponed or cancelled depending on the results of the test.

Visitors are not allowed to see inpatients unless they have been specifically requested to do so by the hospital.

For Outpatients

All outpatients must have an appointment or a referral letter from another medical institution.

To reduce crowding in the waiting room, patients are encouraged to come to the hospital during non-peak hours, and bring only one companion.

Patients will be required to fill out a medical questionnaire at the outpatient clinic. The questionnaire is to confirm behavioral history and determine the patient's recent exposure to the coronavirus. Questions include:

  • In the past seven days, have you been in contact with a person infected with novel coronavirus?
  • In the past seven days, have you been in contact with a person who has since been determined to have a severe case of the new-strain of coronavirus infection?
  • In the past seven days, have you or a close contact (at home, work, school etc) had symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cough, phlegm, breathlessness, diarrhea, lethargy, a change in the ability to taste and smell?
  • In the past seven days, excluding schools and day-care centres, have you been in an environment involving the 3Cs (crowded places, closed spaces, closed contact settings)?
  • Are you in the recuperation period of COVID-19 infection?

Patients who answer "yes" to any of the above questions should consult their doctor.

Opening Hours

Main Entrance: 8 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. weekdays
North Entrance: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays

Entrances are locked at all other times on weekdays and all day on weekends and holidays. Even during working hours, only people with permission will be allowed into the hospital.

Tohoku University Hospital is aware of the inconvenience that these new measures might cause, and asks for understanding and cooperation.


Tohoku University Hospital Public Relations Department
Email: prhosp.tohoku.ac.jp

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