Summer Programs

We have an extensive range of Student Exchange Programs with universities throughout the world.

Tohoku University Summer Programs (TUJP/TSSP/TESP) offer students at partner institutions with opportunities to experience the world-leading research and education at Tohoku University. During their stay, students develop an international network among future leaders from all over the world.

TUJP - Tohoku University Japanese Program
Duration June - August
Eligibility Undergraduates
Fields Japanese Language, Culture and Society
Outline TUJP provides an opportunity to discover Japan through diverse learning experiences in English. The program offers intensive Japanese classes for both beginner and intermediate learners, topical seminars in Japanese culture and society, home-stays and other cultural activities including field trips.
Language English and Japanese
虎扑电竞 Email:

TSSP - Tohoku University STEM Summer Program
Duration July
Eligibility Undergraduates
Fields Science, Engineering
Outline TSSP will provide students with insight on what world society needs based on advanced science and technology in the future and how they can contribute to society through research, and we will offer cutting edge classes in advanced sciences and engineering.
Laguage English
虎扑电竞 Email:

TESP - Tohoku University Engineering Summer Program
Duration July - August (2 weeks)
Eligibility TESP is only open to designated TESP partner universities/institutions. Eligibility varies by course.
Fields Robotics, Electric & Electronic Engineering, Structural Materials Engineering, Bio-Materials Engineering
Outline TESP is designed to inspire students or young professionals in the fields of Engineering. The program provides a series of lectures and hands-on activities on advanced topics in engineering fields. In addition the program includes various activities that expose the participants to Japanese culture.
Language English

Tohoku University Exchange and Summer Programs

  • This guidebook contains information on Exchange Programs and Summer Programs at Tohoku University.

Academic Calendar


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