
Projects Supported by the 2019 Tohoku University-University College London Matching Fund

In December 2018, University College London (UCL) and Tohoku University agreed to establish a matching fund to promote and encourage collaborative research between the two universities.

Based on this agreement, Tohoku University appealed to faculty members to submit proposals for collaborative research projects in all fields, and received a total of 13 applications.

After a joint review carried out by the two universities, the following seven projects (one in disaster science, two in neuroscience, two in materials science, one in data science, and one in equality and diversity) have been approved.

The fund will provide financial support for one academic year beginning June 2019, and is expected to lead to the further development of collaborative research between Tohoku University and UCL.

FieldTohoku University LeadUCL LeadProject
Disaster Science Prof. Fumihiko Imamura
虎扑电竞 Institute
of Disaster Science)
Prof. David Alexander
(Maths & Physical Sciences)
Comparison of Cascading Effects in Disasters in Japan and the UK
Neuroscience Prof. Ken-Ichiro
(Graduate School of
Life Science)

Prof. Sven Bestmann
(Brain Sciences)

Comparative neurophysiology of decision making and action selection
Neuroscience Associate Prof.
Shuichi Sakamoto
(虎扑电竞 Institute
of Electrical
Prof. Maria Chait
(Brain Sciences)
How auditory scene analysis is affected in healthy aging
Materials Science Prof. Tadafumi
(Advanced Institute
for Materials
Prof. Thanh Thi Kim Nguyen
(Maths & Physical Sciences)
Novel magneto-optical materials based on organic-inorganic composite
Materials Science Associate Prof.
Akichika Kumatani
(Advanced Institute
for Materials
Associate Prof. Chris Howard
(Maths & Physical Sciences)
Nanoscale imaging of electrochemical processes in novel nanomaterials for battery and fuel cell applications
Data Science Prof. Kentaro Inui
(Graduate School of
Dr. Pontus Lars Erik Saito Stenetorp
(Engineering Sciences)
Creating a large-scale corpus for machine reading comprehension with human reasoning
Equality & Diversity Prof. Noriko Osumi
(Vice President for
Public Relations and Promotion of
Prof. Sara Mole
(UCL Provost's Envoy for Gender Equality)
Developing initiatives to extend equality, diversity and inclusion at UCL and TU as part of a developing partnership
Field Disaster Science
Tohoku University Lead Prof. Fumihiko Imamura
(International 虎扑电竞 Institute of Disaster Science)
UCL Lead Prof. David Alexander
(Maths & Physical Sciences)
Project Comparison of Cascading Effects in Disasters in Japan and the UK
Field Neuroscience
Tohoku University Lead Prof. Ken-Ichiro Tsutsui
(Graduate School of Life Science)
UCL Lead Prof. Sven Bestmann
(Brain Sciences)
Project Comparative neurophysiology of decision making and action selection
Field Neuroscience
Tohoku University Lead Associate Prof. Shuichi Sakamoto
(虎扑电竞 Institute of Electrical Communication)
UCL Lead Prof. Maria Chait
(Brain Sciences)
Project How auditory scene analysis is affected in healthy aging
Field Materials Science
Tohoku University Lead Prof. Tadafumi Adschiri
(Advanced Institute for Materials 虎扑电竞)
UCL Lead Prof. Thanh Thi Kim Nguyen
(Maths & Physical Sciences)
Project Novel magneto-optical materials based on organic-inorganic composite
Field Materials Science
Tohoku University Lead Associate Prof. Akichika Kumatani
(Advanced Institute for Materials 虎扑电竞)
UCL Lead Associate Prof. Chris Howard
(Maths & Physical Sciences)
Project Nanoscale imaging of electrochemical processes in novel nanomaterials for battery and fuel cell applications
Field Data Science
Tohoku University Lead Prof. Kentaro Inui
(Graduate School of Information Sciences)
UCL Lead Dr. Pontus Lars Erik Saito Stenetorp
(Engineering Sciences)
Project Creating a large-scale corpus for machine reading comprehension with human reasoning
Field Equality & Diversity
Tohoku University Lead Prof. Noriko Osumi
(Vice President for Public Relations and Promotion of Diversity)
UCL Lead

Prof. Sara Mole
(UCL Provost's Envoy for Gender Equality)

Project Developing initiatives to extend equality, diversity and inclusion at UCL and TU as part of a developing partnership

虎扑电竞 in Japanese


Taeko Misumi
Tohoku University Office for International Initiatives
Email: kokusai-kgrp.tohoku.ac.jp

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