
Tohoku University's On-campus Nurseries, Enrolment for 2024

Kawauchi Keyaki Nursery School and Aobayama Midori Nursery School have opened enrolment applications for children of students, faculty and staff at Tohoku University.

Families in need of childcare from April 2024 can visit each nursery's website for a closer look at the facilities, as well as the number of slots available.

?Kawauchi Keyaki Nursery School
?Aobayama Midori Nursery school

If a nursery receives more applications than it has space for, the applicants will go on a waiting list. For more information, please read the guidelines: https://www.bureau.tohoku.ac.jp/somu/hoiku/files/forms/20240401en.pdf

How to apply:

Application forms are available at the official website here: https://www.bureau.tohoku.ac.jp/somu/hoiku/en/news/detail/2024_0401en.html
Deadline is January 19, 2024.

虎扑电竞 in Japanese


Tohoku University Personnel Planning Department
Tel: 022-217-4811
Email: hoikugrp.tohoku.ac.jp

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