
Important Information to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus on Campus

As the number of people infected with the new strain of Coronavirus, officially named COVID-19, continues to rise around the world, Tohoku University would like to remind all students and staff to be extra vigilant about their health, and to check the university's official websites (English, Japanese) and social media pages (FB, Twitter, Linkedin) regularly for important updates that might affect them.

Here are the latest guidelines for staff and students.

For those who have recently travelled to China:

Miyagi Prefecture and Sendai City have set up a special hotline, and issued a useful check-list for recent travelers to monitor their health. Tohoku University would like all students and staff to follow these instructions:

(1) Download the checklist here and use it to closely monitor your health at home for 14 days after returning from China. Please note that does not mean you are required to stay home from school/work.
(2) If you have flu-like symptoms, such as high fever, sore throat or a cough, you should call the hotline at 0120-565653.
(3) You will be directed to an appropriate clinic or hospital. Bring the check-list with you.
(4) Alert the university by sending an email to the appropriate address below, describing your condition and what you've been instructed to do.


Please send your report to infection2020@grp.tohoku.ac.jpand include the following information:
?student ID number
?full name, email and phone contact details
?where you travelled to and where you stayed while abroad
?dates of travel and date of return to Japan
?symptoms of illness
?whether you currently live in student housing, such as a dormitory or University House
?instructions from the special hotline/hospital/clinic

Staff Members:

Please send your report to occupational-health@grp.tohoku.ac.jp and include the following information:
?full name, email and phone contact details
?where you travelled to and where you stayed while abroad
?dates of travel and date of return to Japan
?symptoms of illness
?instructions from the special hotline/hospital/clinic

For those planning to travel to China:

Please be aware that the Japanese government has raised its travel alert for infectious diseases for all parts of China outside Hubei province from 1 (exercise caution) to 2 (avoid non-essential travel). And travel to Hubei itself is strongly discouraged.

Accordingly, Tohoku University urges staff and students to avoid travelling to China at all if possible.

If travel to China is absolutely necessary, Tohoku University recommends regular contact with family members and workplace supervisors. Staff and students can also register their email address at the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Travel Registration Service to receive the latest information (in Japanese).

The University also has the following requests for those who are visiting to participate in conferences or events.

(1) As you would with a cold or the flu, we encourage you to take preventative measures to stop the spread of infectious diseases such as covering your mouth when coughing, washing your hands frequently and using hand disinfectants.
(2) Please be aware that staff working at events may be wearing masks.
(3) For further details, questions, or queries on events, please contact the relevant organizer.

The Japanese National Tourism Association operates the Japan Visitor Hotline. The hotline offers 24 hour assistance in English, Chinese, and Korean. Should you have any queries about your health or the ongoing situation, then please call the hotline at 050-3816-2787.

As it is possible to have contracted this new strain of Coronavirus without showing any signs of infection, it is important for everyone to take extra precautions. Anyone who is unwell, regardless of whether they have travelled recently, is strongly encouraged to seek immediate medical attention.

About 59,000 people across mainland China have been infected with the virus, and cases have so far been confirmed in 27 other countries.

虎扑电竞 in Japanese


(For students) Student Health Care Center
Tel: 022 795-7829
(For staff) Center for Environmental Conservation and 虎扑电竞 Safety
Tel: 022 217-5578

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