
Message about Summer Vacation from EVP for Education and Student Support

To all students,
Summer vacation is coming up (August 11 - September 30) and I know you are all looking forward to the long break. Unfortunately the COVID-19 pandemic is still on-going, and the Delta variant is proving to be extremely contagious, even among young people. So I would like to remind you all to be extra careful and to behave responsibly.

Even if you have been vaccinated, there is still a risk that you can infect others or be infected with the coronavirus, so please continue to practice infection prevention measures. Always wear a mask, keep physical distance from others, wash your hands thoroughly and avoid the 3Cs (closed spaces, crowded places and close-contact settings).

Although the infection rate is highest in Tokyo, the school holidays and Obon season means that many people will be hanging out, travelling or returning to their home town. This increase in crowds and people-movement will likely lead to infection cases crossing prefectural borders. I urge you all to please refrain from travelling if possible.

Aside from the coronavirus, there are other dangers that I hope you will also avoid. Please be careful when consuming alcohol, posting on social media or driving. If you are involved in an accident, please contact your faculty or graduate school. Also remember that the use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited and there will be serious consequences.

As it's a long break, I encourage you to stay informed by watching the news, paying attention to announcements from the national and local governments, and by checking the university's websites (English, Japanese) and DC mail regularly.

Let's enjoy summer, while keeping safe!

虎扑电竞 in Japanese


Support Planning Section, Education and Student Support Department
Tel: 022 795 7818
Email: sta-gakugrp.tohoku.ac.jp

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