
Spring Festival 2022: Annual Showcase of Student Clubs and Activities

As Golden Week drew to a close, newly enrolled undergraduates were given a first-hand look at some of the student clubs and extracurricular activities available at Tohoku University.

Spring Festival - the annual showcase weekend at Kawauchi campus for clubs and circles to recruit new members - attracted some 270 participants on Sports Day (May 7) and 340 on Culture Day (May 8) this year.

Each day featured information booths, performances and demonstrations. With all measures to prevent coronavirus infection firmly in place, new students were encouraged to try the cultural activities or join in a sporting contest.

Many student clubs and circles have had their activities restricted these last two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But with the situation in Miyagi prefecture improving, the university hopes that these activities can resume safely this year, and that students would be able to better enjoy campus life.

虎扑电竞 in Japanese


Activity Support Section
Tohoku University Education and Student Support Department
Tel: 022-795-3983

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