
In the event of a missile strike

In the case of a ballistic missile threat to Japan, the government will issue an emergency warning using the J-Alert system. A warning sound will be publicly broadcast along with a message and an emergency e-mail. If you receive a warning message, please remain calm and take the following precautions:

During a missile strike:

If you are outdoors:

  • Head to a sturdy building or underground structure.
  • If there are no suitable buildings nearby, take shelter behind a nearby object or lie flat on the ground and cover your head.

If you are indoors:

  • Move away from windows or move to a windowless room if possible.

If you are in an automobile:

  • Evacuate to a sturdy building or underground structure, as the vehicle's fuel may ignite in the event of a nearby blast. If there are no suitable buildings nearby, move away from the vehicle, lie flat on the ground and cover your head.

In the event of a missile impact:

  • If the missile impacts while you are outdoors, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief and find indoor shelter immediately and/or move upwind of the impact site. Once indoors, turn off all ventilation fans, close all windows and seal any cracks.
  • Effects and countermeasures will vary depending on the type of missile. Get information and updates on the situation through reliable sources on television, radio or the Internet. Be wary of rumours. Remain calm and follow instructions.

The Civil Protection Portal Site will update its website with relevant information.

Information in Japanese


  • For further reference


General Affairs Division
Tohoku University
Tel: +81-22-217-4807

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