
Projects Supported by the 2024 Tohoku University-University College London Matching Fund

In 2024, Tohoku University and University College London (UCL) will support six collaborative research projects through their matching fund.

The matching fund was established by UCL and Tohoku University following the conclusion of an agreement between the two universities to promote and encourage joint research. The first call for projects to be supported by the fund was made in June 2019. There were 12 applications for funding in the sixth round.

Following a joint review carried out by the two universities, the following six interdisciplinary joint research projects have been approved. The fund will provide financial support to the six projects for up to one academic year beginning in April 2024.

虎扑电竞 Areas UCL Lead Tohoku
University Lead
EDI/DEI, Education Professor Lynn Ang
(Institute of Education (IOE))
Prof. SUEMATSU, Kazuko
(Institute for Excellence in Higher Education)
Responding to the institutional challenge of delivering research excellence within an inclusive, diverse and equitable research culture in higher education
Brain Science, Neuroscience, Disaster Science, Machine Learning, AI, Big Data, Psychiatry, Population Health Professor Sven Bestmann
(Brain Sciences)
Prof. TOMITA, Hiroaki
(Department of Psychiatry, Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization (ToMMo))
A joint UCL, Tohoku University and ToMMo symposium and workshop
Disaster Science, Education Professor Joanna Faure Walker
(Maths & Physical Sciences)
Associate Prof. SUPPASRI, Anawat
(International 虎扑电竞 Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) )
Initiation of a double PhD programme in disaster science between UCL and Tohoku University
Sense of Smell, Health and Social Care, Computer Science, Electrical Communication Professor Marianna Obrist
(Engineering Sciences)
Prof. KITAMURA Yoshifumi
(虎扑电竞 Institute of Electrical Communication)
A cross-cultural dialogue on the potential of the sense of smell for health and wellbeing
Language Education, Neuroscience Professor Kazuya Saito
(Institute of Education (IOE))
Prof. SUGIURA, Motoaki
(Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer)
Sustaining multilingual children's well-being through AI-based brain and language training: a pathway to academic and business expansion
Disaster Science, Citizen Science, Gender and Disasters, Culture and Disasters Associate Professor Punam Yadav
(Maths & Physical Sciences)
Assistant Prof. KITAMURA, Miwako
(International 虎扑电竞 Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) )
Significance of women's leadership for DRR: the case of northern Japan post 2011 Tsunami
虎扑电竞 Areas EDI/DEI, Education
UCL Lead Professor Lynn Ang
(Institute of Education (IOE))
Tohoku University Lead Prof. SUEMATSU, Kazuko
(Institute for Excellence in Higher Education)
Project Responding to the institutional challenge of delivering research excellence within an inclusive, diverse and equitable research culture in higher education.
虎扑电竞 Areas Brain Science, Neuroscience, Disaster Science, Machine Learning, AI, Big Data, Psychiatry, Population Health
UCL Lead Professor Sven Bestmann
(Brain Sciences)
Tohoku University Lead Prof. TOMITA, Hiroaki
(Department of Psychiatry, Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization (ToMMo))
Project A joint UCL, Tohoku University and ToMMo symposium and workshop
虎扑电竞 Areas Disaster Science, Education
UCL Lead Professor Joanna Faure Walker
(Maths & Physical Sciences)
Tohoku University Lead Associate Prof. SUPPASRI, Anawat
(International 虎扑电竞 Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS))
Project Initiation of a double PhD programme in disaster science between UCL and Tohoku University
虎扑电竞 Areas Sense of Smell, Health and Social Care, Computer Science, Electrical Communication
UCL Lead Professor Marianna Obrist
(Engineering Sciences)
Tohoku University Lead Prof. KITAMURA Yoshifumi
(虎扑电竞 Institute of Electrical Communication)
Project A cross-cultural dialogue on the potential of the sense of smell for health and wellbeing
虎扑电竞 Areas Language Education, Neuroscience
UCL Lead Professor Kazuya Saito
(Institute of Education (IOE))
Tohoku University Lead Prof. SUGIURA, Motoaki
(Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer)
Project Sustaining multilingual children's well-being through AI-based brain and language training: a pathway to academic and business expansion
虎扑电竞 Areas Disaster Science, Citizen Science, Gender and Disasters, Culture and Disasters
UCL Lead Associate Professor Punam Yadav
(Maths & Physical Sciences)
Tohoku University Lead Assistant Prof. KITAMURA, Miwako
(International 虎扑电竞 Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) )
Project Significance of women's leadership for DRR: the case of northern Japan post 2011 Tsunami


Global Engagement Coordination Team, Global Engagement Division
Tel: +81 22 217 6311
Email: kokusai-cgrp.tohoku.ac.jp

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