
Crowdfunding to Support Astronomy Camp for High School Students

Tohoku University has launched a crowdfunding campaign to cover the expenses of an astronomy training camp targeted at high school and technical college students from all over Japan.

Nicknamed "Moshi-ten" (which is short for もしも君が杜の都で天文学者になったら, meaning "If you were to be an astronomer in Sendai City"), the camp is an enriching experience where participants live together for a week and conduct research like real astronomers. They will also have an opportunity to learn how to use the Hitomi Telescope at the Sendai City Observatory.

This camp is organized by the Tohoku University Astronomical Institute, and has been held annually since 2011. This year, it is scheduled to take place from December 22 - 28, and the organisers are hoping to raise one million yen to cover the cost of teaching materials and supplies.

Some of the funds will also go towards a stipend for the approximately 20 undergraduate and graduate students from the university, who will be helping with the lessons and providing support to the participants throughout the week.

Crowdfunding project overview: an astronomy research camp for high school students.
Target amount: 1,000,000 yen
Format: All in / Donation type
Fundraising campaign period: now - 11 p.m. November 30, 2023
Donations to Tohoku University are eligible for Japanese tax incentives.
Donors will get a receipt and a thank you letter.

How to Donate:

Refer to details here: https://readyfor.jp/projects/MoshiTen

Readyfor is Japan's first crowdfunding company. Established in 2011, its goal is to facilitate socially-orientated projects by connecting individuals and organizations to funds. Since the company's inception, it has helped raise 10 billion yen for over 10,000 projects.

This is Tohoku University's 14th crowdfunding initiative with Readyfor.


(For information on crowdfunding)
Tohoku University Fund Office
Tel: 022-217-6290
Email: kikingrp.tohoku.ac.jp

(For information about Moshi-ten)
Makoto Hattori
Tohoku University Astronomical Institute
Tel: 022-795-6509
Email: hattoriastr.tohoku.ac.jp

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