
University Childcare Center enrolments - 2018

Childcare centers at Kawauchi and Aobayama campuses have opened enrolment for children of staff and students at Tohoku University.

If the centers receive more applications than the spaces available, children will go on a waiting list. Further details can be found on their website (Japanese only).

Space availability

  • Aobayama Midori Childcare Center currently has spaces for pre-school children and infants of all ages.
  • Kawauchi Keyaki Childcare Center has currently reached its limit but is still inviting applications. Applicants will be informed once a space becomes available.

Enrolment deadline: By the 5th of the month prior to the month of enrolment (or on a business day if it falls on a holiday)

Information in Japanese


General Affairs Department
Email: hoiku@grp.tohoku.ac.jp

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