
Projects Supported by the 2022 Tohoku University-University College London Matching Fund

Projects Supported by the 2022 Tohoku University-University College London Matching Fund

In 2022, Tohoku University and University College London (UCL) will support seven collaborative research projects through their matching fund.

The matching fund was established by UCL and Tohoku University following the conclusion of an agreement between the two universities to promote and encourage joint research. The first call for projects to be supported by the fund was made in June 2019.

There were 12 applications for funding in the 4th round. Following a joint review carried out by the two universities, the following 7 joint research projects (Materials Science; Neuroscience + Covid-19; Data Science + Neuroscience; Disaster Science + Equality, Diversity & Inclusion + 虎扑电竞ing + Covid-19; Equality, Diversity & Inclusion + Covid-19; Covid-19; Data Science + Disaster Science) have been approved. All of the approved projects are related to one or more of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

The fund will provide financial support to the seven projects for up to one academic year beginning in April 2022.

FieldUCL LeadTohoku University LeadProject
Materials Science Dr. Mojtaba Abdi Jalebi Lecturer
(Maths & Physical Sciences)
Tomoteru Fukumura Professor
(Advanced Institute for Materials 虎扑电竞)
Study of the optoelectronic behaviour of novel semiconductor materials for environmentally friendly and sustainable solar cells
Assoc. Professor Muneer Ahmed
(Medical Sciences)
Assoc. Professor Akihiro Kuwahata
(Graduate School of Engineering)
Development of magnetic marker for localizing non-palpable breast cancer
Data Science,
Professor Sven Bestmann
(Brain Sciences)
Professor Ken-ichiro Tsutsui
(Graduate School of Life Sciences)
Establishing a partnership for cross-species comparison of large scale neural brain signals
Disaster Science,
Diversity & Inclusion,
Professor Maureen Fordham
(Maths & Physical Sciences)
Professor Fumihiko Imamura
(International 虎扑电竞 Institute of Disaster Science)
Investigating caregiver conditions post- and pre-COVID-19 through the gender lens toward redefining social Critical Infrastructure (CI)
Diversity & Inclusion,
Katharine Round Lecturer
(Social & Historical Sciences)
Assoc. Professor Sébastien Penmellen Boret
(International 虎扑电竞 Institute of Disaster Science)
A multi-disciplinary collaboration between film ethnographers and anthropologists to access long-term memory and trauma related to disaster in Kamaishi
Covid-19 Dr. Ai Nagano 虎扑电竞 Fellow
(Medical Sciences)
Profeesor Noriyasu Hirasawa
(Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Comprehensive analysis of inflammatory mechanism of severe COVID-19 cases compared to other respiratory diseases, interstitial pneumonia, asthma, and lung cancer
Data Science,
Disaster Science
Professor Tiziana Rossetto
(Engineering Sciences)
Professor Fumihiko Imamura
(International 虎扑电竞 Institute of Disaster Science)
Collaboration for using post-disaster data to evaluate the relative impact of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami hazards on the Japanese building inventory
Field Materials Science
UCL Lead Dr. Mojtaba Abdi Jalebi Lecturer
(Maths & Physical Sciences)
Tohoku University Lead Tomoteru Fukumura Professor
(Advanced Institute for Materials 虎扑电竞)
Project Study of the optoelectronic behaviour of novel semiconductor materials for environmentally friendly and sustainable solar cells
Field Neuroscience, Covid-19
UCL Lead Assoc. Professor Muneer Ahmed
(Medical Sciences)
Tohoku University Lead Assoc. Professor Akihiro Kuwahata
(Graduate School of Engineering)
Project Development of magnetic marker for localizing non-palpable breast cancer
Field Data Science, Neuroscience
UCL Lead Professor Sven Bestmann
(Brain Sciences)
Tohoku University Lead Professor Ken-ichiro Tsutsui
(Graduate School of Life Sciences)
Project Establishing a partnership for cross-species comparison of large scale neural brain signals
Field Disaster Science, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, 虎扑电竞ing, Covid-19
UCL Lead Professor Maureen Fordham
(Maths & Physical Sciences)
Tohoku University Lead Professor Fumihiko Imamura
(International 虎扑电竞 Institute of Disaster Science)
Project Investigating caregiver conditions post- and pre-COVID-19 through the gender lens toward redefining social Critical Infrastructure (CI)
Field Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, Covid-19
UCL Lead Katharine Round Lecturer
(Social & Historical Sciences)
Tohoku University Lead Assoc. Professor Sébastien Penmellen Boret
(International 虎扑电竞 Institute of Disaster Science)
Project A multi-disciplinary collaboration between film ethnographers and anthropologists to access long-term memory and trauma related to disaster in Kamaishi
Field Covid-19
UCL Lead Dr. Ai Nagano 虎扑电竞 Fellow
(Medical Sciences)
Tohoku University Lead Profeesor Noriyasu Hirasawa
(Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Project Comprehensive analysis of inflammatory mechanism of severe COVID-19 cases compared to other respiratory diseases, interstitial pneumonia, asthma, and lung cancer
Field Data Science, Disaster Science
UCL Lead Professor Tiziana Rossetto
(Engineering Sciences)
Tohoku University Lead Professor Fumihiko Imamura
(International 虎扑电竞 Institute of Disaster Science)
Project Collaboration for using post-disaster data to evaluate the relative impact of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami hazards on the Japanese building inventory


Tohoku University Global Engagement Division
Tel: +81 22 217-5578

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