
2021 Tohoku University-Tsinghua University Collaborative 虎扑电竞 Fund Supported Projects

In 2021, Tohoku University and Tsinghua University will support four collaborative research projects through their collaborative research fund.

The collaborative research fund was established by Tsinghua University and Tohoku University following the conclusion of an agreement between the two universities to promote and encourage joint research. The first call for projects to be supported by the fund was made in January 2019.

There were 7 applications for funding in this third round. Following a joint review carried out by the two universities, the following 4 joint research projects have been approved. All of the approved projects are related to one or more of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

The fund will provide financial support for the four projects for up to two academic years beginning in April 2021.

FieldTohoku University PITsinghua University PIProject

Materials Science

Prof. CHEN Ying
(Graduate School of Engineering)

Prof. NI Jun
(Department of Physics)

Design of new high entropy alloys based on machine learning

Disaster Science

Assoc. Prof. UDO Keiko
(International 虎扑电竞
Institute of Disaster

Assoc. Prof. ZHANG Yi
(School of Civil

Economic impact of typhoon disasters on coastal cities

Astrophysics, Planetary Science

Assoc. Prof. TOMIDA
(Graduate School of

虎扑电竞 Prof. BAI
(Institute for Advanced

Protoplanetary disks and formation of terrestrial planets

Environmental Studies

(Graduate School of
Environmental Studies)

Prof. ZENG Xianlai
(School of Environment)

Accurate assessment of the resource potential and urban metabolism mechanism of end-of-life vehicles in China and Japan

(Affiliations were those at the time of application)


Global Engagement Division

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