
A visit from University College London

A visit from University College London

Tohoku University hosted a large delegation from University College London on September 29, led by UCL President Michael Arthur. The group met with Tohoku University President Susumu Satomi and other senior staff and researchers for a brief exchange of ideas for future collaboration. Both institutions currently enjoy a University Level Agreement with each other.

After the meeting, the UCL delegation toured two of the university's World Leading 虎扑电竞 Centers - the International 虎扑电竞 Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) and the Tohoku Medical Megabank (ToMMo).

At the laboratory of Professor Masao Kuwahara at the Graduate School of Information Sciences, UCL professor Nick Tyler heard from researchers about the work currently being done and found much in common between the two universities. Both sides agreed that there was great potential for future research and educational exchanges.

Before the group left Sendai, the head of UCL's global engagement communications, Emma Todd, met with Tohoku University's international public relations team. They discussed PR strategies and ways the universities can each leverage on their regional expertise to jointly expand their global exposure.

news20171023_3.jpgTohoku University and University College London share many similar attributes. Founded in 1826, UCL is a leading multidisciplinary university with a dynamic and diverse student body. And like Tohoku University, it was the first university in England to welcome students from all backgrounds, and also the first to welcome women on equal terms with men.

Link to ToMMo news


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Email: kokusai-r@grp.tohoku.ac.jp

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