
Tohoku University and Université de Lorraine hold Annual Progress Report Meeting

On February 15, Tohoku University and Université de Lorraine (France) held their 2022 Progress Report Meeting online. This was the second progress report meeting to take place, with the first one being held online last March.

The Progress Report session opened with remarks from Université de Lorraine's President Pierre Mutzenhardt. Representatives from three joint research projects, which have received matching funds since 2020, and one project that has received seed money since 2020, reported on their research progress, achievements, and expected developments. During each session, young researchers also presented some of their more remarkable research achievements.

The spread of COVID-19 has restricted international travel since 2020, and as a result, it was necessary for changes to be made to many research plans. However, the groups reported they are responding in flexible ways, making use of online tools to deepen their discussions. Despite the difficulties, they are all progressing steadily. Additional comments noted that going through this difficult situation has reaffirmed the significance and importance of face-to-face research exchange.

In their closing remarks, Tohoku University President Hideo Ohno and President Mutzenhardt announced their continued support for the four projects funded by this program. Tohoku University will continue to support the development of joint research between the two universities through the joint research fund.


虎扑电竞 in Japanese


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