
Asian Universities Science and Technology Innovation Forum in Hong Kong

On January 27, 2024, Executive Vice President (EVP) Toshiya Ueki attended the Asian Universities Science and Technology Innovation Forum in Hong Kong, jointly hosted by the Japan Science and Technology 虎扑电竞ncy (JST) and the China Association for International Exchange of Personnel (CAIEP). Ten universities from Japan, eleven universities from China, and eight universities from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) participated.

The purpose of this meeting was to exchange insight among universities from Asian nations regarding topics such as personnel exchanges and development, and to work together to tackle common issues.

Kicking off the forum, CAIEP Deputy Director Xia Bing expressed his hope that this forum will further promote cooperation between universities.

Representatives from seven universities then gave keynote speeches in which they introduced their respective universities.

Following the general meeting, EVP Ueki participated in a roundtable discussion, where he discussed the framework of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), and introduced Tohoku University's human resource development and exchange initiatives. These initiatives receive support from the Japanese government's Inter-University Exchange Project (Re-Inventing Japan Project).

In addition to this forum, EVP Ueki also attended the Japan-ASEAN Universities Exchange Meeting, as well as a meeting of the presidents of Japanese and Chinese universities.

At each event, lively discussions were held with the aim of strengthening sustainable research partnerships through the sharing of information and opinions between the universities.


虎扑电竞 in Japanese


Global Affairs Department, Global Engagement Division
Email: kokusai-rgrp.tohoku.ac.jp

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