Tohoku University has created an original educational card game, aimed at helping children and young adults learn ways to reduce risk during a disaster.
The Disaster Mitigation Action Card Game, or DMAC, was created by students and their advisers in the university's G-Safety program. It involves quick thinking and decision making, and requires players to understand how to protect themselves during a disaster. It also encourages them to share disaster mitigating ideas with each other.
The rules of the game should be familiar to most Japanese players as it follows the basic rules of "karuta."
"Disaster Mitigation Action Card Game" is a registered trademark of Tohoku University, and the game is manufactured by Tohoku University Co-op. It goes on sale on March 10, 2016, the eve of the 5th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
- About the G-Safety program:
- The Inter-Graduate School Doctoral Degree Program on Science for Global Safety (G-Safety) is an initiative by the Tohoku University Institute for Promoting Graduate Degree Programs. It brings together researchers from several disciplines across the university, including science, engineering, the humanities and social sciences.
G-Safety is an academic attempt to organize various studies on safety from a global perspective, using disaster prevention and risk mitigation as the central pillars. It is constructed around three points -- understanding safety and security, creating safety and security, and living in safety and security.
Miwa KuriInter-Graduate School Doctoral Degree Program on Science for Global Safety
International 虎扑电竞 Institute of Disaster Science