
GASP-EES International Symposium: Crisis of Well-being and Well-being in Crisis Across Borders

This symposium will discuss well-being amidst global challenges such as war, disaster, climate change, and population issues. Lectures will come from the perspective of anthropology, history, and area studies.

How can Japan prepare to evacuate its aging population during a disaster? How can nomads in Mongolia continue their traditional way of life in an evolving world? How do ethnic minorities in Ukraine foster well-being during a war? During this symposium, we will learn from multiple ethnographic cases and theoretical considerations about maintaining well-being amidst these global challenges.

This event will also be an opportunity for knowledge exchange and exploring the possibilities of future joint research between Japan and international scholarships.

For more information, please see the site here.

Date: December 5-7, 2024

  • Dec 5: Tour of the remains of the Great East Japan Earthquake site (This event is by invitation only)
  • Dec 6: Early career scholar seminar 2:00pm - 5:00pm
  • Dec 7: Science conference 9:00am - 6:30pm
Venue: Chi-no-Yakata (TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity), 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8577, Japan (Access)
Fee: Free
Language: English
Registration Link:
Registration Deadline: November 22, 2024



East Eurasian Studies Project

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