
Spring Field Trip @ Kawatabi Seminar Center

Spring Field Trip to Kawatabi Seminar Center

With the arrival of spring, there is no better time to get your hiking boots on for an educational weekend in the forest.

The Kawatabi Seminar Center is hosting a session of nature bonding for beginners at the famous hot spring town of Naruko, about 70 km from Sendai.

The event, which includes a walk through natural woods and an informative lecture on the local plant life, is open to all Tohoku University students and instructors. Assistant Professor Yu Fukasawa from the Graduate School of Agricultural Science, will be leading the group.

To participate, please register before May 23 at the link below. Registration is required and limited to first 25 people. There is a participation fee of 3,900 yen, which goes towards four meals, transportation, insurance and overnight lodgings.

Date: May 28 ~ May 29 4:30pm
Departure point: Kawauchi Kita Campus (round-trip transportation by microbus)
Number of participants: 7 - 25 (the event will be cancelled if there are fewer than seven participants)
Link to schedule here.

To register, fill in the form here and take it with your payment to counter 1 at the Education and Student Support Center on Kawauchi Kita Campus (Map).

虎扑电竞 details:

Student Services Division
Support Planning Section, Kawauchi Kita Campus
Tel: +81-22-795-7818

Kawatabi Seminar Center
Graduate School of Agricultural Science Field Science Center Beech Forest
Naruko Onsenhara-aza 75, Osaki-shi
Tel: +81-22-984-7309

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