Japan's Next Generation Synchrotron Radiation is currently being built on Tohoku University's Aobayama campus. Construction began last April and the facility is expected to be operational in 2023.
In the lead up to the facility's completion, the International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart (SRIS) will be organizing several events for members of the community to learn more about synchrotron radiation and how the facility will impact the future of scientific research.
This March, there will be an art exhibition and a public lecture. Both are free and open to anyone who is interested.
The art exhibition is a selection of entries from a competition held last year, inviting elementary school children to draw what they imagine the Next Generation Synchrotron Radiation Facility would look like. More than a hundred entries were received, and a judges' selection will be on display from March 12.
Event: Art contest exhibition - "The World that I Wish I Could See"
Date: March 12 - April 17, 2022
Venue: Aobayama Commons (at the new extension of Aobayama Campus), Tohoku University (map: https://www.tohoku.ac.jp/map/en/?f=AY_J41 )
The exhibition is free and registration is not required.
Then on March 21, there will be a Japanese language public lecture titled "Next Generation Synchrotron Radiation is a Microscope for the Nano World," featuring four experts.
Participants can choose to attend in person (the lecture hall has a maximum capacity of 100 people) or watch online. Registration is required for all.
Event: Public Lecture
Date and time: March 21 (Mon), 2 - 4 p.m.
In-person venue: 2/F Lecture Hall, Aobayama Commons (at the new extension of Aobayama Campus), Tohoku University (map: https://www.tohoku.ac.jp/map/en/?f=AY_J41 )
Online via Zoom
Language: Japanese
To register: 市民向け講演会『次世代放射光はナノの世界の顕微鏡』 参加申し込みフォーム(3月21日(月?祝)開催) (google.com)
- Maiko Nishibori (Professor, International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart, Tohoku University)
Topic: Understanding Next Generation of Synchrotron Radiation - Mariko Takahashi (Journalist)
Topic: Cutting-Edge Science and Us: Accelerators, Synchrotron Radiation and Gravitational Waves - Yuko Akabane (President /CEO, TDC Corporation)
Topic: Expectations for Synchrotron Radiation Facilities from the Perspective of Local Small and Medium-sized Enterprises - Yoko Okubo (General Manager of Tohoku Branch, NTT Urban Development Corporation)
Topic: Creating an Optimal Environment for Users of the Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Art competition: http://www.sris.tohoku.ac.jp/20220312-0417.html
International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart (SRIS)
Tohoku University
Email: sris-secretarygrp.tohoku.ac.jp
Institute of Multidisciplinary 虎扑电竞 for Advanced Materials
Tohoku University
Tel: 022-217-5204
Email: tagen-soumugrp.tohoku.ac.jp