
Graduation Ceremony 2021

UPDATE 3/22 -
Miyagi prefecture has declared a state of emergency due to a resurgence of COVID-19 cases. In the interest of safety, Tohoku University has canceled plans to hold its commencement ceremony at Kamei Arena Sendai. Instead, there will be a small ceremony with only selected student representatives in attendance. Graduating students are encouraged to watch the live broadcast of the event from home.
March 25, 10 a.m., YouTube live:

All graduating students are invited to attend their graduation ceremony in-person this March.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ceremonies in spring and fall of 2020 were limited to a handful of student representatives. While social distancing rules still prevent the university from holding large-scale events, there are plans this year to have two short ceremonies at Kamei Arena on March 25.

The event will be for graduating students only. Family and friends will not be allowed to attend, but a live stream will be available online.

Date: March 25, 2021
For undergraduates: 10 a.m. (Please be seated by 9:40 a.m.)
For graduate (master's, doctoral) students: 12:30 p.m. (Please be seated by 12:10 p.m.)
Venue: Kamei Arena Sendai (nearest subway station is Tomizawa). There is no public parking in the area so please take public transportation.

All attendees should be appropriately dressed for the ceremony and must adhere to the university's infection prevention measures. These include wearing a mask and maintaining physical distance from other people.

Students should not attend the ceremony if:

  • they are unwell or have a fever
  • they have been exposed to someone who is positive for COVID-19
  • they have not quarantined for 14 days after returning to Japan from abroad
  • they have been in close contact with someone who has returned from abroad and not completed the 14-day quarantine

Anyone who requires special assistance should contact the Academic Affairs Section of their faculty or graduate school before March.

As with all best-laid plans, these might change depending on the pandemic situation in Miyagi prefecture, so please be prepared for updates closer to the time.

Event information in Japanese


Academic Affairs Section, Education and Student Support Department
Tel: 022-795-3924

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