Earth on Edge, a consortium of six Japanese institutions led by Tohoku University, will hold an online symposium to address advanced entrepreneurship and education in a world disrupted by COVID-19.
The event will feature three special guests from UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business who will share their expertise, followed by presentations from consortium researchers and a discussion session between American and Japanese students.
Event: EDGE-NEXT Japan-US Entrepreneur Synergy Symposium
Date and Time: November 14, 9 a.m. (JST)
November 13, 4 p.m. (PST)
Language: English
To register:
Errol Arkilic
Founder of NSF I-Corps, co-teaches Lean Transfer at Berkeley Haas,
Venture capitalist at M34 Capital
Topic: Lessons Learned from I-Corps Founding to Present
Rhonda Shrader
Executive Director, Berkeley-Haas Entrepreneurship Program and National Science Foundation's I-Corps program for the Bay Area Node
Topic: Engaging students, faculty and community, to create a regional entrepreneurial ecosystem
Chris Bush
Executive Director, Institute for Business Innovation and Clausen Center at UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business
Topic: Status and update of business innovation program at Haas
This online event will be delivered in English and is open to anyone who is interested. Attendance is free but registration is required.
EDGE-NEXT is an entrepreneur education program that's been funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) since August 2017.
Tohoku University EDGE-NEXT Project Planning Office