
Open Day at Tohoku University Botanical Gardens

On November 3, Japan's National Culture Day, the Faculty of Arts and Letters in collaboration with the Tohoku University Botanical Gardens will hold an open day. There will be an outdoor tea ceremony so that guests can enjoy the autumnal colours from the garden from 10am to 1pm. Japanese harp or 'Koto' performances will be at 10am~10:20am, and 10:50~1pm. A Japanese flute or 'Shakuhachi' performance will be held at 10:20am~10:50am.

Admission to the gardens and events held throughout the day, are free to the public.

Date: November 3
Time: 9am~4pm
Location: Tohoku University Botanical Gardens, Kawauchi Campus
12-2 Kawauchi, Aoba, Sendai 980-0862

Public transport to the Botanical Gardens:

To get there, catch a bus from platform 9 at the west entrance in front of Sendai station. Get off at 'Tohoku Daigaku Kawauchi Campus Mae' and walk 10 mins to the Botanical Gardens entrance gate.

Map link here:


Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
Tel: +81-22-795-6003

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