
Tohoku University Global Initiative Seminar 2017

Tohoku University Global Initiative Seminar 2017

The Tohoku University Global Initiative Seminar 2017 will be held on October 26.
Titled "Comprehensive Internationalization - Tohoku University Enters a New Phase of Internationalization," the event will be split into two sessions.

Delivering the lecture will be Professor John K. Hudzik, a leading proponent of Comprehensive Internationalization, who will outline the framework of this concept with regard to trends in universities worldwide.

(1) Morning Session: 10:00 - 11:10am

This is aimed at senior administrators and prospective leaders involved in university management.

Venue: House of Creativity
3rd Floor, Lecture Theater, Katahira Campus (MAP)

(2) Afternoon Session: 2:00 - 3:30pm

This is for faculty and administrative staff who are involved in the promotion of internationalization at Tohoku University.

Venue: Education and Student Support Center
East Building, 4th Floor Large Conference Room, Kawauchi Campus (MAP)

There will be an opportunity for discussion on the issues surrounding the Comprehensive Internationalization of Tohoku University, and on the future direction of internationalization at the university.

This lecture will be conducted in English.


To apply to attend this event, please contact the Office for International Initiatives at the email address below.
Include your name, affiliation and preferred session (AM or PM) in the email, and use "Application for Seminar on October 26" in the subject heading.


Yukako Yonezawa
Office for International Initiatives
Phone: 022-217-5020

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