




Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in your lives, filled with endless opportunities and potential. I'm honored to celebrate your success and achievements with you. Each of you has reached an incredible milestone, demonstrating your strong determination and hard work. For all of us--your family and friends--your achievement, whether it's a bachelor's, master's, professional, or doctoral degree, is truly worth commemorating.

Three Principles and University for International 拶橡窮昇 Excellence

As we gather to celebrate your graduation, let's reflect on the journey that brought us here. Since its founding in 1907, Tohoku University has built its history on the principles of "research first," "open doors," and "practice-oriented research and education." As you may know, Tohoku University is currently the only candidate for the government's "Universities for International 拶橡窮昇 Excellence" initiative. This recognition from the government reflects our 117-year commitment to enhancing research, creating social value, and integrating our core values in the education we provide. In our plan for this initiative, we have outlined three key commitments: Impact, Talent, and Change. We aim to create value for both academia and global communities through research with significant "Impact," continuing our tradition of "research first" and "practice-oriented research." We will identify and nurture brilliant minds and "Talent," welcoming students and researchers from all over the world, carrying forward the principle of "open doors." And we will reflect global readiness in the constant "Change" of our governance style, adapting to new challenges and needs of society. With these elements of Tohoku University's DNA, and with financial support from the government for the next 25 years, we aim to become a research university that stands alongside the world's best.

You might know that Shohei Ohtani, a baseball player, recently hit 50 home runs and stole 50 bases. Back in 2015, he weighed 86 kg, but he has since increased his muscle mass and body weight to 102 kg. To excel on the global stage, endurance and strength are crucial. Similarly, to boost our research capabilities, our university will gain its "body weight" and "muscle mass" by hiring outstanding researchers from all over the world and additional research support staff.

The Role of Academia in Society

Excellence in academia goes beyond just publishing research; it includes practical applications, helping communities through scientific discussions, and nurturing the next generation, like yourselves. You are starting a journey from one of the best academic institutions, using your commitment and creativity to improve life in communities worldwide. Outstanding education means you are ready to take on responsibilities that not everyone can handle, using the knowledge, experience, and skills you gained at Tohoku University.

An Ever-Changing World

We live in a constantly changing world full of uncertainties and challenges--like climate change, violations of international law, new technologies not everybody is ready for, and demographic changes. As a university engaged with global communities, Tohoku University must not only adapt to societal changes, but also actively work to create a better future for all. We aim to redefine the concept of a research university, not as an isolated ivory tower of academia, but as an institution driven by research excellence, serving as a platform for innovation, creating social value, and addressing global issues. Our commitment is to fully engage with society to meet the evolving needs of our world.

Individual Soft Power

So, how should individuals respond and behave in this era of transformation? I believe it is crucial to harness and demonstrate 'soft power.'

Soft power refers to the ability to influence and inspire others through non-coercive means, such as communication, empathy, and cultural understanding. The importance of individual soft power cannot be overstated and it helps for building relationships, effective communication, influence and leadership, and cultural competence.

Julius Caesar once said that people see what they want to see, and thus people hear what they want to hear. It is often the case that tradition and vested interest overrule more logical and better judgement.

In 1913, despite heavy opposition from the traditionally minded Ministry of Education, Tohoku University's second president, Tokiyuki Hojo, admitted three female students to a university for the first time in Japanese history. This is a good example of exercising soft power because it proved to be highly beneficial to the community as well as the individuals.

With the right approach, we can not only thrive in a rapidly changing world, but also contribute positively to communities, organizations and individuals.

Please keep this in mind as you exercise your soft power to improve your surroundings in the future.

Joining the Global Community

As you step into new environments and take on new responsibilities, remember that you are never alone and will always be part of the Tohoku University family. Our alumni network spans the globe, and we are here to support you.

The Shuyukai Alumni Association helps us stay connected and engage with each other on a very personal level.

Parting Words

By now, I hope you understand that graduation is not the end of your journey with Tohoku University, but the beginning of a new partnership. You are all valued members of the Tohoku University community, and you should wear the "Tohoku University Graduate" badge with pride and confidence. I am certain that each of you will contribute to future innovations and support communities both locally and globally. I look forward to hearing about your endeavors and adventures. Congratulations on your graduation, best wishes for your future, stay safe, and see you again soon.







