
University Globalization: Towards Better Quality University Education and Graduates(8/3開催)


場所:東北大学 片平キャンパス さくらホール(青葉区片平2−1−1)地図




講演1: Mr. Walter Foreman (Office of 虎扑电竞, Korea University)
“The Current Status and Future Plan of Korea University to Survive Global Competitions”

講演2: Prof. Atsuko Yamazaki (Faculty of Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology)
“Professional Skills for Global Competency: How “Hard” Should They Be?”

講演3: Prof. Yuko Oshitani (Center for the Advancement of Higher Education, Tohoku University)
“Coping with English - the Performance of Japanese Students in Bilingual Communication Class-”

講演4: Mr. Kazuo Horiuchi (Rohde and Schwarz Japan) “What is Expected of Japanese Students from the View Point of a Foreign Company”

講演5: Ms. Harumi Shiokai (St. Ursla Eichi High School, Miyagi)
“How to Foster Communications Capability needed for Global Society”(国際社会で求められるコミュニケーション能力の育成のために)

講演6: Mr. Katsuhiro Suzuki (Kurosawajirikita High School, Iwate)
“Current Writing Education at High Schools and a Proposal for Universities”(高校の作文教育の現状と大学への提案)”

講演7: Prof. Shu Kato (RIEC, Tohoku University)
“A Proposal on Japanese University Education and Employment Systems, and Analytical Study on Writing Skills of University Graduates”

パネルディスカッション: “How to Foster Quality Students (from High Schools to Universities)?”
モデレータ: 加藤 修三
パネリスト: 講演者全員





東北大学電気通信研究所 加藤研究室(相澤なお実)
Email: katolab*riec.tohoku.ac.jp(*を@に置き換えてください)
TEL: 022-217-5477, FAX: 022-217-5476
