東北大学 -TOHOKU UNIVERSITY- Notice for Tohoku University Students Wishing to Volunteer for Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Relief (Added April 5, Updated April 7)

An increasing number of students have expressed interest in volunteering to support regional restoration efforts.

This page was created to assist the activities of the following volunteer organizations, for which Tohoku University instructors are working as advisors, by providing the below links.

-"HARU" Tohoku University Regional Restoration Project

Students participating in HARU activities should be aware of the following:

  1. Before participating in any activities you are required to enroll in "Volunteers' Insurance." In general, you must pay for this yourself.
  2. You must provide your own food and transportation during volunteer activities. Please also bring a pair of rubber boots, work gloves, and your Health Insurance Card.
  3. Please be sensitive to the feelings of the people you will be assisting.
  4. Depending on the demand for volunteers, you might not be given any tasks, or you may be asked to stand by. Please bring sufficiently warm clothing.

Other than the above program, you can apply directly at the Miyagi Prefecture and Sendai City Disaster Relief Volunteer Centers. When applying to these centers, please follow any instructions they give you in addition to the above instructions.

  1. Information on the Miyagi Prefecture Disaster Relief Volunteer Center can be found here.。
  2. Information on the Sendai City Disaster Relief Volunteer Center can be found here (PC).
  3. Information on the Sendai City Disaster Relief Volunteer Center can be found here (Mobile).

Please also make use of the MEXT portal site, which lists support needs for affected areas and the kinds of aid work provided by various organizations, such as regional authorities and Boards of Education.

- Great East Japan Earthquake Children's Learning Aid Portal Site (MEXT)

- Inquiries regarding this page:

Tohoku University Office of the President
  TEL: 022-217-5009
  E-mail: skk-som(at mark)bureau.tohoku.ac.jp

(For inquires about the "HARU" Tohoku University Regional Restoration Project Children's Learning Aid Portal Site, or the Miyagi Prefecture or Sendai City Disaster Relief Volunteer Centers, please contact them directly.)

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