東北大学 -TOHOKU UNIVERSITY- Disaster Control Headquarters 虎扑电竞 (March 30 (Wed.), 2011 14:00 - 15:05)

  1. Fukushima Nuclear Plant
    - On-campus airborne radiation levels are low. There have been no problems with any water, milk, or vegetables brought into Miyagi Prefecture.
    - Other places in Miyagi that will be monitored are Iwanuma and Natori cities.
  2. Education
    - Student Safety Confirmation has been completed for all students. We will continue to survey students with regards to their post-earthquake status, i.e. injuries, etc.
    - Yesterday a system for ascertaining the whereabouts of the international students was begun. 350 students have accessed it.br /> - The topic of Safety Confirmation will be excluded from future updates. It will only be reported as needed.
    - We must hold comprehensive deliberations and come to a quick decision regarding the educational environment (lectures).
    - The University Co-operative is confirming apartment availability etc. for incoming students.
    - Should all lectures commence at once, or should lectures for 2nd year students and up begin from April? Or should it be left up to the departments? An announcement will be made in the 1st week of April.
    - Some teachers in the Common Educational curriculum (about 50) no longer have offices. We must come to a decision on measures to resolve this (setting up prefab buildings etc.). A potential site is Sendai Commercial High School. Expedite preparation of facilities for use by instructors.
    - There are 10 individual rooms in the library, and a seminar room. Perhaps the part-time instructors could use them. They can only be used while the library is open, but we can obtain cooperation from the library.
    - It will be important to communicate our intentions with regards to the start of the Common Educational curriculum.
  3. Staff Work Attendance
    - No staff staying home, 28 having difficulty, 107 (yesterday) returned home to foreign countries increased to 144 (today). How advice is being provided overseas and domestically is a problem. On confirming with the embassies of major countries, none have issued directives barring their citizens from re-entering Japan. Individuals may return to Japan on their own judgment. No national decisions pose any obstacle to this. Confirmation is pending for the UK; Germany has advised temporary evacuation and caution.
    - 100 people connected with the university have suffered damage to their homes. We are trying to get cofirmation quickly.
  4. Facilities
    - Official contact from MEXT is as outlined. A design firm will be asked to handle the seven heavily damaged buildings. Determination of extent of damage will be completed by the 11th (SABCD). D will be determined by a survey team from MEXT in April; it will take some time after that.
    - A support team will be dispatched to the facilities department (April 4).
  5. Financial Affairs
    - Secondary deadlines for documents from the Legal Support Section have been extended. They will be contacted separately later. The situation will be assessed continuously. It will be necessary to carefully examine the first round of documents carefully.
  6. Public Relations
    - 虎扑电竞 coverage planned at request of The Yomiuri Shimbun . Plans for restoring damage to library, science laboratories to be made hereafter. Cooperation will be requested from relevant departments.
    - Interview with Dr. Iijima regarding research planned.
  7. Other
    - Plan to reopen after May holidays; general points will be announced to the students. Need to publish a plan (several pages). Restoration & further growth. Advertise the start of classes and restoration of the university.

  8. (End)
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