東北大学 -TOHOKU UNIVERSITY- Disaster Control Headquarters 虎扑电竞 (March 29 (Tue.), 2011 14:00 - 15:15)

  1. Fukushima Nuclear Plant
    - Radiation monitoring information: level as of 3/9 11:00 was 0.11 microsievert/hour; this poses no health risk.
    - Southern Miyagi: Levels have been dropping from previous measurements since 3/24.
    - Due to official instructions received 3/25, measurements will begin at Katahira too from today. Daily reports will be made to MEXT hereafter.
    - Measurements of water in Marumori, Kakuda, Iwanuma, Ishinomaki, and Tome results were about half of benchmark values.
  2. Student Support
    - Depending on how the situation stands by this evening (3/29), we will consider means of confirmation for the 18 Japanese students whose safety is unconfirmed, such as publishing their names on the website.
    - Entrance procedures (early stage) for one additional student have been carried out by phone, in addition to the 1935 students already processed, bringing the total to 1936. 96.7% of the 1999 students scheduled to enter the university have been processed. Ten students withdrew after being processed. In the current academic year, 8 withdrew, 96.8% were processed; therefore entrance is proceeding as in previous years.
    - Will announce how to obtain Re-entry Permits on the website for international students who returned to their home countries.
    - Request that procedures for re-entry into Japan be expedited.
    - Held first meeting of the Class Implementation TF. Regarding the condition of lecture buildings, if repairs are made, 2 departments will be able to begin classes from 4/25, another 2 departments will be able to begin classes from 5/9; 3 departments will be able to begin from 5/9, including orientation.
    - It would be safest to open lecture buildings from May.
    - Regarding the living environment in Sendai, just over 30% of graduates are unable to move out, and will be using their housing until the end of April.
    - Response to students concerned about employment should be published on the website. It will be provided to instructors too by e-mail. →Approved.
    - Have offers of employment been withdrawn? →No Tohoku University students have had offers of employment withdrawn. Nobody has had offers of employment postponed. Inquires will be made with departments as needed to ascertain conditions.
  3. Facilities
    - Water: Aobayama combination water system 50% restored. City water system not yet ready to be restored as of today.
    - Gas: Restoration scheduled to begin from next week.
  4. 虎扑电竞
    - Damage to research environment (space, equipment) is being surveyed.
  5. International
    - Caretakers at the Joint Caretakers Office will act as the information channel for organized support. The administrative offices will act as liaison to provide unified handling.

  6. (End)
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