東北大学 -TOHOKU UNIVERSITY-Disaster Control Headquarters 虎扑电竞 (March 28 (Mon.), 2011 14:00 - 15:10)

  1. Report from General Manager on 3/27, 3/28 MEXT visit. Announced that Disaster Control Headquarters system will continue for now, but wants to make it a place for information sharing enabling assessment of actual conditions leading to restoration and rapid progress.
  2. Fukushima Nuclear Plant
    - Radiation level as of March 28 11:00 was 0.12 microsievert; this poses no health risk.
    - Measurements are being taken in southern Miyagi. Results will be announced this evening (3/28).
    - Measurements of radiation levels in tap water and milk were taken on 3/25 at the request of the prefectural government. Results announced on prefecture website. Measurements performed on agricultural produce on 3/28. Results will be announced at 21:00.
    - Measurements of radiation levels in tap water were taken on 3/25 at the request of the city government. Results announced on city website.
    - Requests also received from Ishinomaki, Kakuda, and Iwanuma. We will comply with received requests.
  3. Student Support
    - International student safety confirmation was obtained for remaining 3 Chinese students and 1 Mongolian student; this completes confirmation.
    - One new student from the Graduate School of Economics and Management was confirmed deceased.
    - Degrees will be distributed to each department on 3/30. Printing of degrees completed. Printing begun for farewell address, formal reply, list of university commendations, to be enclosed with the degrees. Farewell address etc. to be published on the website. When it will be published is under consideration.
  4. Staff Work Attendance
    - We will reconfirm and follow up with departments being surveyed.
    - Create categories for staff having trouble attending that reflects their situations.
  5. Facilities
    - Water: Aobayama city water scheduled to be restored 3/29.
    - New campus public utilities conduit inspected. No serious damage to north side. Deformations found on west and south sides of 4cm at most, 2cm on left and right. Water leaking at joints. Will be reinforced and used as-is.
  6. Financial Affairs
    - New emergency supplies arrived from Tottori University at 12:00 3/26.
    - The Tohoku University website currently has a "Thanks for emergency supplies" section, but we will improve it in cooperation with the Public Relations Division.
  7. 虎扑电竞
    - RU11 provided indexing stickers. We should finish distributing sets of cardboard boxes, stamps, and adhesive tape by 3/30.
  8. Library, Archives
    - 1st floor lounge in Medical Library is open. The library stacks of the Agricultural Library, which had comparatively little damage, scheduled to open in April. Damage to the North Aobayama and Engineering libraries is severe.
    - Archives building confirmed to have cracks, disordered archival materials, and fallen roof tiles. The roof is leaking; plastic tarpaulins should be provided immediately as an interim measure. →Approved.
  9. Other
    - The Japan Association of National Universities issued a second-stage status questionnaire regarding immediate support for university students and staff in the disaster area. We must provide our opinions, as a university affected by the disaster. Regarding measures, such as arranging trips to other universities, it would be best to have a system created so that their effectiveness is maximized.
    - Consideration of student volunteer activities in the disaster area is also necessary. We should devise a public relations approach and consider how to proceed.
  10. (End)
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