東北大学 -TOHOKU UNIVERSITY- Disaster Control Headquarters 虎扑电竞 (March 25 (Wed.), 2011 14:00 - 14:45)

  1. Student Support
    - Student Safety: 98.3% of Japanese students, 98.4% of international students confirmed safe.
    - Instructions on how to obtain degree certificates posted for each department, except the School of Engineering, today (3/25); link added to the website.
    - Successful examinees of the late stage examination will be posted on the website on 3/25 15:00.
    - Common subjects: The orientation for Common Subjects will be held mainly the week of 4/25.
    - Each department will consider when to start classes based on Common Subjects.
    - An Educational Implementation TF will be created to consider the lecture schedule and condition of lecture rooms.
  2. Fukushima Nuclear Plant
    - Radiation level as of March 25 11:00 was 0.13 microsievert; no health risk.
    - The prefectural and city governments have called for a study of effects on drinking water and produce. As one of its public duties, Tohoku University will provide data for announcements.
  3. Financial Affairs
    - New emergency supplies arrived from Kyoto University at 8:45 today (3/24).
    - Hereafter, supplies are scheduled to arrive from Tottori University, the Hokkaido Regional Union, and Kyushu Regional Union. Supplies from the Hokkaido and Kyushu Regional Unions will be shipped to Niigata University; how they will be transported to Tohoku University is under consideration.
    - English and Chinese versions of the Tohoku University Earthquake Disaster Relief Donations page have been posted on the homepage.
  4. Facilities
    - Electricity: Aobayama residential area 1 effectively 100% restored.
    - Water: No change since 3/24.
  5. Tohoku University Hospital Activities
    - Playing the role of the central hospital during this disaster.
    - Hospital functions are currently 80 to 90% operational. Expected to reach full operation from next week.
    - The Second Hospital Building is undamaged, but the 3rd Hospital Building has cracks in some columns, and much minor damage.
  6. 虎扑电竞 Environment
    - Visited Fujisoft Inc. on 3/25. Earthquake-proof building was observed to be undamaged.
    - Estimated 15,000㎡ of space can be secured at Nishizawa Center, Katahira Minami, and Fujisoft.
  7. Other
    - System organized and tasks assigned over the weekend. Regular Disaster Control Headquarters meeting will not be held. Decided to request regular reports.

  8. (End)
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