東北大学 -TOHOKU UNIVERSITY- Disaster Control Headquarters 虎扑电竞 (March 24 (Thu.), 2011 14:00 - 14:40)

  1. Student Support
    - Waivers for entrance and tuition fees will be considered in regards to emergency financial aid for Tohoku University students affected by the earthquake. Criteria for approval will be based on JASSO approval standards.
    - Approx. maximum of 1,600 students, amounting to one billion yen, may be eligible for this aid, however estimates put the actual number of eligible students at 30% of 1,600.
  2. Financial Affairs
    - Report of damaged goods (1st Report) sent to MEXT on 3/24 12:00.
    - By the deadline of the 2nd Report, we will closely investigate goods of 100 million yen or less, and submit a detailed list.
    - Tohoku University Earthquake Disaster Relief Donations amounting to approx. JPY 10 million have been received.
    - In addition to the Japanese version of the Important Notices from Tohoku University website, a provisional English and Chinese version were created on 3/24.
  3. Facilities
    - Electricity: Aobayama residential area 1 is 70% restored.
    - Water: Kawauchi system 50% restored. High-capacity water tank at Electrical and Communication Engineering/Applied Physics was found to have been damaged; water will be restored as soon as it's fixed.
  4. Library
    - Details on library service are being announced on the homepage. The number of libraries open to students who have returned to their hometowns is being increased.
    - Estimated that the Tohoku University library student reading room will be able to open at the end of March. Estimates regarding the book stacks have been completed. The building has cracks and damaged windows; it will be partially reopened in early April.
  5. 虎扑电竞
    - NIH contacted us regarding support. They are considering various types of university disaster support, such as monetary donations, temporary laboratories, and research funds; they want to know the details of the damage. Their request applies to the entire Tohoku region, but Tohoku University will act as liaison.
    - Other partner institutions have also contacted us, and such inquiries are expected to increase hereafter. We will establish a system, speak with the inquiring parties, and put them in touch with the appropriate departments.
  6. Other
    - We have surveyed the status of staff reporting to work. We will reconfirm with the departments surveyed.

  7. (End)
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