東北大学 -TOHOKU UNIVERSITY- Disaster Control Headquarters 虎扑电竞 (March 23 (Wed.), 2011 14:00 - 14:55)

  1. Student Support
    - As of 10:00 today (3/23), 840 international students have accessed the online safety confirmation system.
    - Deadline for entrance and tuition fee waiver applications extended until the end of May.
    - We are considering how Tohoku University should support students affected by this disaster.
  2. Facilities
    - Electricity: Aobayama residential area 40% restored; however power has not been restored to buildings deemed dangerous (marked with red notices).
    - Water: Water leakage problem at Amamiya unchanged since yesterday. Water will be restored as soon as this is fixed.
  3. Financial Affairs
    - 142 Tohoku University Earthquake Disaster Relief Donations, totaling approx. JPY 6,900,000, have been received.
    - New emergency supplies arrived from Kobe University at 8:30 today (3/23).
  4. Staff Safety
    - The number of unreachable staff members has been reduced to 16.
  5. Support for Staff Unable to Work due to Disaster Conditions
    - Personnel Division will generally ascertain how many staff members are working.
  6. Other
    - There have been a large number of requests to assist from overseas. Overall information will be gathered and discussions held with departments before contacting the relevant people. Units will be formed, and members announced at a later date.
    - Three Tohoku University students are using the University of Tokyo library. Graduate school students are using the electronic journals there.
    - At the Tohoku University Library, one million books fell of shelves or were damaged. More people are needed there, so it was decided to ask the Center for the Advancement of Higher Education for assistance.

  7. (End)
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