東北大学 -TOHOKU UNIVERSITY- Disaster Control Headquarters 虎扑电竞 (March 22 (Tue.), 2011 14:40 - 15:05)

  1. Student Support
    - Safety confirmation for students and staff is progressing. Every effort is being made to confirm safety information for the remaining people.
    - Deadline for entrance and tuition fee waiver applications extended until the end of May. Published on website today (3/22).
    - 790 international students registered so far via the online safety confirmation system. This is over half the total number.
    - International students have left personal belongings in rooms from which they were scheduled to leave at the end of March. These should be collected, kept safe, and mailed to them.
    - Any unpaid rent or utility fees for March should be collected from the students.
  2. Fukushima Nuclear Plant
    - In addition to monitoring radiation levels in the Aobayama area, we have begun taking measurements in the south part of the prefecture (Natori, Iwanuma, Watari, Yamamoto, Kakuda, and Marumori).
    - These will be published on the website once every 3 days.
  3. Supplies
    - New shipments of supplies arrived from Hirosaki University, University of Tokyo (second shipment), and Hiroshima University. Distribution of these is being handled through the departments.
  4. Tohoku University Earthquake Disaster Relief Donations
    - Over 100 inquiries have been received so far.
  5. 虎扑电竞
    - Task guides (2011.03.19) for quickly restoring Tohoku University and its research environment were distributed to each department (research office).
  6. Other
    - The management meeting, which was scheduled for March 28th (Mon.), will be performed via documentation.

  7. (End)
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