東北大学 -TOHOKU UNIVERSITY- Disaster Control Headquarters 虎扑电竞 (March 18 (Fri.), 2011 14:00 - 15:45)

  1. Student Support
    - Student Safety: 14,167 Japanese students, 856 international students confirmed safe. Every effort is being made to confirm safety information for the remaining students.
    - Decided to start academic calendar on April 25.
    - The director of the Tohoku University library requested the director of the National Institute of University Libraries make the following available at a number of universities: (1) allow Tohoku University students to enter libraries by presenting their student ID cards (2) Internet access, (3) use of study carrels.
  2. Fukushima Nuclear Plant
    - Information on monitoring of radiation from accidents at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant
    - Radiation level as of March 18 11:00 was 0.15 microsievert; no health risk.
  3. Supplies & Contributions
    - Supplies arrived from Niigata University arrived via Yamagata University on the night of March 17.
    - Supplies from University of Tokyo (consortium of 12 universities) arrived at 2:00AM March 18.
    - A bank account for accepting disaster relief donations was opened March 18 and donation instructions were posted on the university website.
  4. Facilities
    - Emergency safety inspections completed at all campuses.
    - Electricity: Katahira 100%, Kawauchi 95%, Aobayama (1) 30%, Aobayama (2) 100%, Seiryo 100%, Amamiya 100% (excluding administrative building), Tomizawa 100% restored.
    - Water: Katahira 85%, Kawauchi 90%, Aobayama (1) 0%, Aobayama (2) 50%, Seiryo 100%, Amamiya 100%, Tomizawa 100% restored. Water on Kawauchi campus has been 100% restored, excluding buildings deemed dangerous. Pump repairs underway at Aobayama (1); it is unknown how long it will take to restore water there. Water leakage is a problem at Amamiya.
  5. Other
    - Over the 3-day weekend, the vice director will organize each team in the Disaster Control Headquarters and assign tasks. Regular Disaster Control Headquarters meeting will not be held.

  6. (End)
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