東北大学 -TOHOKU UNIVERSITY- Disaster Control Headquarters Meeting (March 15 14:00—15:45)

  1. Departmental damage reports
     ?The Disaster Prevention Division confirmed with each department: lists of contact information and a list of damage were presented.
  2. International Students
    ?As the degree conferment ceremony was canceled, students staying at the Tohoku University International House were instructed to return to their home countries as soon as they could make arrangements to do so. (March 14) Students should be able to leave via the Yamagata City-Niigata City route.
    ?Foreign embassies which have instructed or ordered their citizens to return to their home countries are as follows: (some foreign embassies reside in Tokyo) (as of March 15)
    Bangladesh, Mongolia, Germany, Indonesia, Chile, Philippines, Brunei, Bulgaria, Thailand
    ?Foreign embassies requesting safety confirmation (as of March 15)
    UK, USA, Mexico (e-mail), China
    ?Admission permission is scheduled for April 1 (same for late stage entrants).
    ? Re-entry Permits
    The Sendai Immigration Bureau has confirmed that it will expedite processing of Re-entry Permit procedures.
    These procedures can also be performed at the Tokyo Immigration Bureau.
  3. Supply Deliveries
    ?Support supplies (rice and juice) arrived at the university on the evening of the 14th from Yamagata University.
    ?Support supplies (cup noodles) arrived at the university on the morning of the 15th, from Niigata University.
  4. Status of Facility Restoration (As of March 15, 13:30)
    ?Electricity: Katahira 80%, Kawauchi 60%, Aobayama 20% (total) (1) (Engineering 5%, Aobayama (2) (Science, Pharmaceutical Science) 80% restored. Seiryo 100% restored; Amamiya restored in administrative building only.
    ?Water: Katahira 60%, Kawauchi 60% (total), (1) Kawauchi North Campus 90% (2) Minami Campus 50% restored. Aobayama 0% (pump being repaired). Seiryo, Amamiya 100% restored.
    ?Emergency safety inspections are expected to be completed within the week. Aobayama (1) 20%, Seiryo 25%, Aobayama
    ?Safety Level (Red - Do Not Enter) (as of March 14) (1) Electrical and Communication Engineering/Applied Physics Administration Office (2) Civil and Environmental Engineering Experimental Laboratory (3) Amamiya Old Gymnasium (Center for Northeast Asian Studies, as of March 13)
    ?Safety Level (Yellow - Enter at Own Risk) (as of March 14) (1) Aobayama 1: Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing Lecture Building (2) Metallurgy, Materials Science and Materials Processing Experimental Laboratory (3) Aobayama 2: Chemistry Building/Faculty of Pharmacy, (4) Kawauchi: Graduate School of International Cultural Studies , Graduate School of International Cultural Studies (5) Seiryo: Medical Library
  5. It was decided to publish an overview of the status of support measures conducted by the Disaster Control Headquarters on its website.
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