東北大学 -TOHOKU UNIVERSITY- Acceptance of Tohoku University Disaster-Reconstruction Fund and reports on the use of Tohoku University Earthquake Disaster Relief Donations

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude for your contribution to Tohoku University in connection with the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Since October 2011, we have been receiving your donations for disaster reconstruction through the “Tohoku University Disaster-Reconstruction Fund”, and continuously using them to support our affected students.

We have posted a report on how your donations to the Tohoku University Earthquake Disaster Relief Donations are being used (PDF) and a list of donors on the Tohoku University Fund website. Please refer to it for details.

We look forward to your continued support.

More Information : http://www.bureau.tohoku.ac.jp/kikin/revival.html
*Go to the Tohoku University Fund website.

[How to make donations to the Tohoku University Disaster-Reconstruction Fund]

From our website: please complete the Donation Application Form.
By postal mail or FAX: Please fill out the Donation Application and send it to Office of the Tohoku University Fund.

Office of the Tohoku University Fund, Public Relations Division, Tohoku University
Address : 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577 Japan
TEL : +81-22-217-5058, +81-22-217-5095
FAX : +81-22-217-4818
Website : http://www.bureau.tohoku.ac.jp/kikin/
E-mail : kikin*bureau.tohoku.ac.jp (Replace * with @)

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